Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Slab

interesting blog on saving concrete use, on my other blog


Sunday, May 3, 2009


This is where sometimes there will be duplicate content on my 2 blogs as both the pizza oven and smoker are happening at the same time.

please go here to read the firts day.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Concrete slab recipe

Been down to my local garden center and he says the mix is 4:2:1 , thts 4 sand to 2 aggregrate to 1 cement.

I got a quote from a "mini-mix" delivery and its was $226 for my .4Msq , the cost of the sand/aggregate/cement from the local bloke is $129 !!! why the difference, WELL he tells me you can order what you want of the mini-mix but they just charge you a MIN 1Msq.

It doesn't matter when or where you are reading this but almost double is a BIG difference, especially when you can find sand and rocks everywhere yourself !

Everything I read still says "portland cement" is an ingredient you need, portland NOT becuase its from portland its just the brand/type name. it has certain attributes and probably best just buying the stuff ! but if you want to spend time researching then "portland cement" is where to start.

Gonna go do me some sand hunting LOL

Ready to start

Well today I delivered the last of the big items to granma's to start building the project, it was the last of the solid bricks, some wood to make the surrounds for the slabs, the angled bricks i got cut and a few pieces of "metal cross reinforcing" for the extension to the roof above the oven.

We are heading into winter so as expected this will slow up the project but at least no more "hunting and gathering" and "delivering" .

except now the concrete and mortars !

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Added extras

SOO much info so far and I still haven't started ! well half the reason is by writing the blog i reaffrim ideas into my own head so it helps me greatly.

Just saw a professional restuarant smoker oven on telly, what it had was sliding racks on rollers thus just like an oven grill. great idea to make it easier to load and unload...I work on the logistics and post it.

ALSO thsu i thought that sometimes you may want all racks in or just one? depending on the size of what you are smoking, thus i thought it would be a good idea to install some hooks into the bricks of the oven wall for rack storage when not in use.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Support 4 with images

Here are the mockup images

This is a view from the top, as mentioned previously I will have 2 levels of sideways bricks for the oven to sit on , the same will be on the other side of the structure.
From the outside the bricks look like this, remember this is just a mockup so i didn't spend to much time on it.

Close up view, i think this is a much better solution then building an internal stack of bricks

Thursday, April 23, 2009

how to lay a concrete slab

here it is , this is really perfect instructions with great tips
